Tuesday, March 17, 2015

π 3.1415

It was an ordinary Saturday that I have my monthly dental appointment before heading to office for work. Was supposed to meet with someone but I think he most probably has forgotten about it. Since he said wanna date me but he didn't mention about it in our next conversation. Felt kinda sad when I was working in office, waiting for his message or text. As usual, i went for lunch with colleagues. When i got back to office, someone texted me. Haha, it was him. 

He started with some usual conversation. Then he asked me if I've got any dinner plan for the night. Luckily he still remember it. Was a bit bit happy when I received that message. But, wait, my braces have just been tighten! I hardly eat any foods. Sigh. But luckily he chose a Japanese Ramen restaurant. I got to eat soft food, or else I gonna reject his invitation. 

I rushed home after work and rushed to the restaurant @ Publika Mont Kiara. He has not been to Publika, so he suggested there. Reached earlier so I hang around at the art shops. 

We met at the entrance of the restaurant, and got a table, then sat opposite each other. Kinda awkward when we sat down and looked at each other. So I started the conversation, but don't ask me how i started it, I can't remember what did I say. We was eating and chit-chatting until he asked for bill. Of course, he paid for the bill. Haha. Then, he suggested to go for coffee shop or cafe for second round. We went to Coffee Societe for drinks and chat until 9 ish. He paid for the dinner so I treat him the drinks in return. That's all for the night until we say goodbye to each other. 

When I reach home then only I realised it was π Day and so coincident, it was also W Valentine Day.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

No title again

I was looking for new job today
don't know why, I just feel like getting a new job which has more work-life balance
everyday work work work, like never ending
took a break on Monday
but still the same when i get back to work

I feel myself procrastinating my work
I hate avoiding things
but i am doing it right now

deadline is there, trying to be met
but other people are not helpful
client has been taking their sweet times
juniors as well, kinda headache

recalling the time when I first joined KPMG
so enthusiastic and full of energy
and now, I look like a dead fish
struggling and trying to get into water

okay, just to vent about my current job
time to get a new job
good luck to myself!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


